Kashmir Media Watch (KMW) is an electronic newspaper cum news agency

Friday, October 29, 2010


Arundhati Roy, a famous Indian writer and human rights activist has, once again, made headlines and won minds and hearts of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. She said what she believed – Kashmir is not legally part of India.Kashmir is not part of Pakistan either, although both countries control State of Jammu and Kashmir and have no desire to relinquish their control over these areas.

There is demand in some parts of India that Arundhati Roy should be charged for ‘sedition’. But there are many rational people who support her. Alok Tiwari, a prominent Indian journalist wrote in her defence that what she said was ‘definitely against the government line on Kashmir. It was also against the popular opinion. Mercifully, there is no law that obligates us to toe the government or popular line. Going against it is dissent, not sedition; and democracies thrive on dissent. They do not shun it.’
India claims to be the biggest democracy on earth, and that democracy is alive and kicking, at least, in India, if not in Jammu and Kashmir. Demand of a genuine democracy is that people must be allowed to express their views without fear or intimidation; and Arundhati Roy is an Indian citizen, and at least, she should be entitled to enjoy fruits of democracy. Alok Tiwari further writes:
‘Freedom in a society is tested by its tolerance of what most of its members consider offensive. Freedom to say goody-goody thing is actually no freedom. If we assert before the world that Kashmiris in India are living in freedom, it means even those Kashmiris who would rather not be part of India. They have as much right to air their opinion as the rest of us have to assert Kashmir is an integral part of India. If we find Geelani’s ideas offensive then let us come up with better ideas to counter them.’
It is best for government of India to resolve the Kashmir dispute rather than charge all those who express their disagreement on Kashmirpolicy of government of India. The Kashmir dispute is real. It will not go away by closing eyes; or by using force.
In Kashmir there is a strong resentment against what Indian government do there; and that anger and sense of alienation will not go away by continuation of the present policies. The government of India has to come out with a new policy and new approach and satisfy demands of the people, as policy of gun and bullet cannot win minds and hearts of the people.
Arundhati Roy is brave and honest in her assertions on Kashmir. She had courage to say that India’s claim on Kashmir is not correct; and is against popular will of the people of Kashmir. She said all that even though Jammu and Kashmir ‘provisionally’ acceded to India; andIndia’s claim on Kashmir rests on that ‘accession’.
That ‘provisional accession’ had to be ratified by the people of Jammu and Kashmir; and due to Pakistan’s refusal to withdraw troops from Kashmiri territory, as demanded by the UN Resolutions, conditions for a plebiscite could not be created to hold a referendum to test will of the people, hence the present forced division and suffering of the people on both sides of the LOC.
Despite India’s claim on Kashmir and its claim to democratic ideals, people like Arundhati Roy speak against India’s Kashmir policy. They tell government of India that hearts and minds of people could not be won with use of force. They tell the government that you cannot make people Indian by pulling their finger nails.
On the other hand Pakistan also occupies two parts of State of Jammu and Kashmir, namely Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan, from which Pakistan generously gave away around 2200 sq miles to China in 1963 to improve bilateral relations. 
Pakistan has military strength to control the Kashmiri territory under its occupation, but has no legal cover to justify this occupation. It has no legal mandate to be in control of the Kashmiri territory, but still has managed to divert attention away from areas under its control and call them ‘azad’ meaning free; and many Kashmiri collaborators happily advance the cause of Pakistan.
Many in Pakistan, especially writers and scholars know shallowness of Pakistan’s stand on Kashmir. They also know that people of so called Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan are not happy with what Pakistan and its secret agencies do to the people of these areas; and yet they decide to remain quiet. Their conscience does not trouble them, and they follow the government policy on issue of Kashmir. They happily promote government’s version on Kashmir, knowing well that it is based on lies.
They know, as it has been confirmed by many impartial surveys that people of Jammu and Kashmir DONOT want to join Pakistan; and yet they broadcast lies that people of Jammu and Kashmir are desperate to join Pakistan. They are reluctant to speak about plight and exploitation of the people living under Pakistani occupation; and will only focus on events taking place on other side of the LOC.
Can Pakistani society produce one prominent writer, scholar and human rights champion who has guts to challenge Pakistan’s Kashmirpolicy; and tell the world that Pakistan’s control of Kashmiri territory is not legal? Someone who could tell the world people of Jammu and Kashmir State living on this side of the LOC are also deprived of their fundamental human rights. Or is this too much to ask, and Pakistani writers, intellectuals and scholars will continue to follow the out of date policy of Islamabad?
Writer is Head Diplomatic Committee of Kashmir National Party, political analyst and author of many books and booklets. Also he is Director Institute of Kashmir Affairs. 

Obama’s visit: Crackdown in Lal Chowk

Srinagar: Police and paramilitary CRPF Thursday carried crackdown in the nerve centre Lal Chowk here.
City reporter said that police and personnel of CRPF carried out surprise frisking of pedestrians and shopkeepers near Ghantaghar (clock tower) around 1500 hours.
They said that apart from frisking the individuals, the policemen and paramilitary troopers checked the identity cards of the people after keeping them in a queue.
Quoting eyewitnesses, he said that people were allowed to move towards their respective destinations after searches.
Official sources said that the searches were carried to keep at bay the possibility of any untoward incident in wake of the US President Barrack Obama’s visit to New Delhi. US president is visiting on three day trip in first week of November. No arrests were made during the operation, they added.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Kashmiris Peace Conference asks India and Pakistan to resolve Kashmir Conflict according to wishes of Kashmiris

Kotli, AJK, Sunday, October 03, 2010. (PCP) Kashmir Peace Conference (KPC) on Sunday urged India and Pakistan to resolve the Kashmir dispute according to wishes of Kashmiris in order to foster peace and prosperity in South Asian region.

“India and Pakistan should rescind Indus Water Treaty (IWT) to accommodate the Kashmiris and water use charges must be spent on local development under a new justified accord about regional rivers.” the Conference demanded.

The KPC was organized by Press For Peace (PFP) which is an independent research and advocacy organization working for the promotion of sustainable peace and human development.

In the conference venue various pro-peace slogans and were displayed, which included: ‘No Peace without Justice’, ‘War Is Expensive; Peace Is Priceless’, ‘Give Peace A Chance’.

A large number of people, including the heads of political parties, intellectuals, representatives of civil society organisations and lawyers joined the event.

Marvi Memon , Member Standing Committee for Kashmir(National Assembly of Pakistan, Sardar Khalid Ibrahim, President , Jammu & Kashmir Peoples Party), ), Sardar Ejaz Afzal, President Muttihda Majlis e Amal (MMA), Sardar Saghir Khan Advocate, Chairman JKLF, Shoukat Maqbool Butt, Chairman, Kashmir National Liberation Front,, Qayyum Raja, Chairman Justice Forum, Malik Muhammad Nawaz Minister AJK ,Tahir Khokhar Minister Tourism AJK, Cahudhary Muhammad Yaseen ,Vice President PPP, Muhammad Matloob Inqalabi , Information Secretary PPP, Shazia Akbar, Advisor to PM ,Mir Latif Advocate ,Dr.Mushtaq A Sajid ,Dean University of AJK,Syyed Yusuf Nasim, Chairman APHC, AJK),Mrs Saffia , and officials of the PFP; Mrs Tanveer Latif , Dr Nighat Younas, Khalil Gorsi Advocate, Rafiq Mughal, Youaf Kashmiri and others spoke on the occasion.

The speakers condemned the recent human rights violations committed by forces in Indian Kashmir and pledged to support the right of self determination of Kashmiri people. They also highlighted the miseries of people of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, especially affecteees of Mangla Dam and earthquake 2005 and criticized the negligence of government which ‘completely failed to resolve the public problems’.

A declaration was issued at the end of the Conference, which encompassed the core issues related with three regions of Jammu and Kashmir, including Gilgit Baltistain.

Appreciating the peace initiatives between Indian and Pakistani regions of Kashmir, it demanded to rectify the flaws and complicated procedures in Line of Control(LoC) Bus and Truck services to make them people friendly and economic well being of the area as well.

The KPC expressed profound concerns over the alleged embezzlement in the funds of rehabilitation of quake affected areas of AJK and urged to ensure transparency and speedy implementation of projects to lessen the miseries of people.

“All mega development programs and Hydro power projects in all units of Jammu and Kashmir must be executed according to the global standards of ecology, development and water conservation and reservations and concerns of local communities must be addressed as well”, it further said, adding that demands of afectees of Mangla Dam Upraising Project and Neeelum Jhelum Hydro Power Project should be fulfilled.

The conference asked universities of different regions of Kashmir to grant scholarships to students of local areas to cultivate culture of mutual respect, harmony and understanding.

The participants of the Conference also vowed to struggle for merit, rule of law to achieve the goal of a democratic and moderate society.

Member National Assembly of Pakistan, Marvi Memon vowed to support the voice of Kashmiris at every for.

“People of Kashmir are striving for a legitimate and unalienable right, which could not be suppressed by brutal force.”

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Minorities of India may Demand ‘Separate Homeland’: Hilal War

Srinagar, October 02, 2010: People’s Political Party (PPP) Chairman, Hilal Ahmad War termed Babri Masjid judgement a politically motivated, simply to appease the fanatic Hindus of India. The judgement is not on the expected lines of justice and has far reaching consequences , in  view of the fact that RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal , Ram Sena, Hindu Maha Saba, BJP etc. along with other pseudo secularists will further their design to carry forward their programme of Hindutva, said Mr.War.  He sad that this judgement will encourage the  Hindu fanatic groups of India to ask for desecration and demolition of many more shrines and mosques and other places of worship of Muslims in various parts of India on the same parameters as fixed in the judgement.  ‘The judgement is legally, constitutionally and logically wrong , biased and is against the golden principles of Justice’ . ‘This has resulted in total miscarriage of justice and the minorities have been reduced to irrelevance’, said PPP Chief.
PPP Chief, Hilal War said that the Muslims of India have been all along at the receiving end. They stand driven to wall and their future course of action will depend on the future circumstances of historical events. The only hope left to such minorities was in the judicial system. The unfortunate part played is that the judgement has attempted to dug history of 500 years from Hindu point of view only. This process shall throw open flood gated of digging more and more  in history which will provide renewed cause of action to divide and sub divide the Indian society on communal basis which does not go in tune with the concept of  spirit of secularism at all .   
The judgement has provided deep rooted tremendous and powerful incentive to the communal forces of India for gearing up their strategies. The judgement has reinforced and added fuel to the fire. Therefore, it will result in chaos and confusion in entire India which ultimately will destabilize and India, said Mr.War. This will lead to a chaotic Indian society where every religious minority will feel insecure and unsafe and will have no faith, trust and confidence in the judicial system of India. PPP Chief said if the same is not checked the religious minorities of India including Muslims, Christians and Dalits etc.  will be constrained to demand for a Separate Homeland within India.

Life returns to normal across Valley for a day

Srinagar: Barring few areas of Ganderbal and Baramulla districts, life across the Valley on Saturday limped back to normal as Hurriyat Conference (G) called off the strike and government lifted curfew and restrictions to provide breather to the people.
Reports and eyewitnesses told KMW that life in Srinagar and most of the parts of the Valley returned to normal this morning, ever since curfew was clamped across the Valley following massive pro-freedom demonstrations on Eid-ul-Fitr on September 11.
After 20 days of disturbances, particularly due to curfew and restrictions, all shops, private offices, business establishments, petrol pumps across the valley resumed their work. The markets that wore a deserted look in the recent days, were bustling with shoppers.
The transport also returned to almost all the roads and highway in all the ten districts of the Valley.
Choked roads, traffic jams, unruly scenes were witnessed at many places in the city centre as people swarmed to make necessary purchases. Traffic cops had a tough time while regulating traffic at important roads and transaction.
The commuters travelling in the city, particularly through Maulana Azad road, residency road, Hari Singh high and Jehangir chowk faced inconvenience due to frequent traffic jams triggered by the heavy flow of traffic.
Meanwhile, uneasy calm prevailed in Kangan area of Ganderbal district where curfew is in force as militants and a joint team of Army and Special Operations Group (SOG) are engaged in a fierce gunfight.
Sources said that the curfew has been clamped in the area fearing protests against the killing of militants.
Tension also persisted in Palhalan area of Baramulla district where curfew was clamped following protests against the alleged forces atrocities.
However, life was normal in other areas of the district.
Press Bureau of India correspondent from North Kashmir said that after remaining crippled for weeks, life returned to normal in all the three districts of the North Kashmir.
In Baramulla, Bandipore and Kupwara, all shops, business establishments, private offices, petrol pumps resumed their activities while transport plied normalcy on district and inter-district routes.

Sangrama youth succumbs, toll 110

Srinagar: A teenager injured in Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) and police firing in Sangrama area of Baramulla district last month, succumbed to injuries at the SK Institute of Medical Sciences, Srinagar Saturday morning. With his death, the toll in the ongoing unrest since June 11 has mounted to110.
16-year-old Mohammad Omar, son of late Mohammad Ismail Sheikh was injured when CRPF and police fired upon pro-freedom demonstrators in Potkhah Muqam area of Sangrama on September 16. The teenager with bullet injury in thigh was removed to SKIMS for treatment. He was operated upon by a team of doctors. However, after battling with life for fifteen consecutive days, the teenager succumbed to injuries last night.
“The teenager was brought to hospital with thigh injury on September 16. His blood vessel was damaged due to firearm injury. Last night, he succumbed to injuries,” Medical Superintendent SKIMS, Dr Syed Amin Tabish, when contacted told Press Bureau of India.
Omar, a tenth standard student of Government higher secondary school, Wagura was an orphan. His father was assassinated by unknown gunmen in Naribal forests of Rafiabad in mid-90. After the death of his father, Omar and his widow mother shifted to Sangrama from their Zahampora, Uri residence.
When the body of the Omar was brought to his hometown, thousands of men, women and children came out on roads and staged pro-freedom demonstration.
Amidst chanting of pro-freedom and anti-India slogans, the teenager was laid to rest at a local graveyard.