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Thursday, January 20, 2011

PPP Welcomes the initiation of Dialogue between India and Pakistan

Srinagar (IOK), January 19, 2011: People’s Political Party (PPP), Chairman, Hilal Ahmad War, said, “We welcome the initiation of dialogue between India and Pakistan .He further said PPP is not averse to talks but the talks should be meaningful and result oriented. To make talks on the different Issues including the core issue of Jammu and Kashmir a success, there should be no pre-condition from both sides. Dialogue between India and Pakistan to create mutual trust and understanding is indispensably paramount and this is an important step towards the stability and peace of this South Asian Region which will ultimately pave the way for resolution of Kashmir dispute. “India must not forget that Kashmir is the gateway to Peace, said, War”.
In response to India’s offer to Pakistan, People’s Political Party (PPP) has urged Pakistan to hold meaningful and result oriented dialogue with India ensuring that Kashmir is on top of the agenda. Commenting on India’s talk’s offers to Pakistan, PPP Chief, Hilal Ahmad War said Pakistan should stick to its stance that talks with India should not be confined to economic issues only. India, he said is trying with its best to pressurize Pakistan for not insisting on inclusion of Kashmir in the agenda of proposed dialogue. It is an attempt on the part of India and its international supporters to help India get out of present embarrassing situation in Kashmir.Mr. War said that Kashmiris had made a lot of sacrifices for the resolution of Kashmir but India always used talks as ploy to ward off the pressure.

He said whenever there is international pressure on Kashmir issue to avoid any eventuality of nuclear confrontation in South Asia, India makes talks offer to Kashmiris just to neutralize the situation. “It is in fact the international pressure that has got mounted on India and they just want to diffuse it by staging a drama in the name of talks to give an impression to the world community that it is engaged in a dialogue with Pakistan or with one section of favourite Kashmiri leadership on Kashmir”, he said. Under given circumstances, Pakistan should ensure that Kashmir is on the top of the Agenda”.
Mr. War urged the Government of Pakistan to formulate a Kashmir Policy in accordance with the letter and spirit of Shaheed Z.A.Bhutto's Kashmir Policy. He  disfavoured and disapproved the proposed idea of showing any flexibility by government of Pakistan with regard to settlement of Kashmir Dispute as such a flexibility is bound to cause a irreparable damage to Kashmir Cause and shall affect Kashmir Liberation Movement which has so far taken heaviest toll of life, honour and property in entire J & K State.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Observe January 26, ‘A Black Day’: Hilal War

SRINAGAR (IHK), January 09, 2011: The Chairman of  People’s Political Party ( PPP), Hilal Ahmad War , has appealed the general masses of Kashmir  to observe January 26, Indian Republic Day as ‘Black Day’ and convey a message to the International Community that people of Kashmir are struggling for the attainment of right to self-determination as enshrined in UN Charter.
Mr. War  in a statement  said ,every Kashmiri will observe January 26, a ‘black day’ as a mark of protest against the continued denial of Kashmiris’ right to self-determination which  is contrary to its claim of being a democratic republic and against ongoing human rights violation in the Valley . War said we have appealed the people of Kashmir to observe a 26 January a Black Day in order to remind the Indian leadership and the world community that the presence of Indian Occupational Forces in Jammu and Kashmir is illegal, illegitimate and unconstitutional is clear violation of United Nations Charter as well as U.N. Plebiscite Resolutions passed by U.N.O. Therefore, by no law all over the world or morals can justify their presence in Jammu and Kashmir Nation be justified.
PPP Chief said, “we believe that Pak-India peace needs a boost and participation of Kashmiri leadership within and without Hurriyat Conference in any result-oriented dialogue process is a must. He said, “There are political parties in the entire J&K State with conflicting ideologies and stands regarding Kashmir Issue. Therefore, no person, party or conglomerate of diverse ideologies can be recognized as political attorney of the common man of Jammu and Kashmir as a whole”.
He, however, said that before initiating talks, India should create conducive atmosphere by taking steps like demilitarisation, repeal of black laws, put an end to human rights violations in the occupied territory and release all illegally detained youth, pro-freedom leaders and activists.
India must not forget the issue of Jammu and Kashmir has assumed the shape of an International Conflict ,therefore, the intervention of superpower nations like United States of American and China is unavoidable and in accordance with golden principles of United Nations Charter in order to maintain International Peace and Security . These powerful Nations including European Union knew that the gateway of World Peace is the resolution of Kashmir Tangle. The PPP Chairman said that the international community had accepted that the Kashmir dispute was the main hurdle in cordial relations between New Delhi and Islamabad and its amicable settlement could bring peace in the region in particular and world in General.