Kashmir Media Watch (KMW) is an electronic newspaper cum news agency

Thursday, December 15, 2011

ANC Protests Growing Corruption

JAMMU: Thousand of ANC workers led by their Senior Vice President Mr. Muzzafar Shah Shah  along  with the  top brass of ANC Jammu Province Senior leader  Mr Gulam .Qadir Wani, Provincial President  Sr.Gyan singh,  Distt President urban Vijay Mangotra, Distt President Rural Sant Ram Baghat , Distt President Kathu,  Bakhtawar Singh  , Distt President Samba  Madan lal,    Prov. President  Women wing Pushpa Dogra,Pushpa Sharma, Sunita Sharma,  Vice President Province Thakur  Randhir Singh, Prov. Seccy Kewal Sharma and Narinder Dev Chunni (Head POK Refugee Wing )were barred by the distt. Administration to take out a peaceful Protest  in Jammu , the winter capital of Jammu & Kashmir State. They were raising their voice against the growing menace of corruption , nepotism, redtapism , scandalization  and   misgovernance  in the state , demanding declaration of moveable and immovable  properties   in and  outside the state, of  all people in public life at the helm of the affairs now or  in the past .
The impressive ANC Protest march included  a large Contingent of its  Women Wing and  the Youth Wing , was stoped by Police  as soon as they Started  from Press Club Jammu on way  to the State Secretariat. In spite having informed distt. Adminstration in writing, the large police contingent pleaded before ANC Senior Vice President to call of the protest and didn’t allow the peaceful demonstration to proceed further .A ring of police personnel  ghearoed Muzzafar Shah, virtually putting him under arrest .  The Protest  march  was cheered  and   joined by people on the road  who joined  in support of the demands  made by ANC workers ,who were carrying party flags , banners, Placards  and  shouting  slogans  demanding  employment to six lac unemployed youth, end to human rights violations, good governance without bloodshed, end to  price rise of essential commodities and end to  the failed collation government in Jammu and Kashmir .
Speaking to the ANC Workers outside  the  Jammu Press Club , ANC Senior  Vice President Mr. Muzzafar Shah said that this highhandedness of the collation government in muzzling the voice of the people will by itself be responsible for its death .This cry and war against corruption will take the shape of a cyclone  and the corrupt will have to pay for their misdeeds in front of peoples court .we have started a decisive  War against corruption and  misgovernance  and the people of Jammu and Kashmir  were in search of an efficient , honest and  an experienced political alternative who would put an end to human rights violation and  gross missuse of political power  in the state . we will forcefully raise voice against  injustice meted out to the people of Jammu and Kashmir and ensure that the war against corruption that has been launched by the party   is taken to its logical conclusion . Time has come for all politicians and political leaders to come clean before the people and   to begin with, they will have to make details of their moveable and immoveable properties public. ANC is effectively using the J&K RTI act for this purpose, which is being monitored by the ANC Legal Cells in both Provinces of J&K Divisions with a hook up to its Legal Cell in the Supreme Court. More than 2 dozen applications under this Act have been put up by ANC till date, pertaining to very critical areas of Public interest, Mr. Muzzaffar Shah said.
Mr. Muzzafar Shah thanked the ANC Jammu functionaries & workers for mobilizing a grand show and stated that he was looking forward to take this protest all over the state of Jammu and Kashmir,  so that a new beginning could be made to make our state  free from all political , economic and social ills and make it a prosperous and vibrant Jammu and Kashmir where economic, administrative and social justice will prevail . 

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