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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Geelani calls for protests on Friday against liquor shop reopening

Srinagar:  Chairman Hurriyat Conference(G) Syed Ali Shah Geelani Wednesday  appealed Islamic scholars and clerics to mobilize public opinion for a complete ban on liquor sale  in Kashmir.
Geelani also appealed people to stage peaceful protests this Friday against National Conference president Dr Farooq Abdullah's "advocacy for opening of liquor shops in Kashmir."
" Let us send a message to the rulers that we won't allow them to make liqour sale commonplace in Kashmir," he said.
Geelani said there was a need for  mass awareness campaign against the menace of liquor." I appeal Ulema  to apprise people about the ill-effects of liquor from an Islamic and moral viewpoint  and organise public opinion in favour of a complete ban on its sale in Kashmir," Geelani said in a  statement issued here.
" More than economics, a nation's development and prosperity  depends  on  ethics . History bears witness to the destruction of nations which fell into an abyss of moral bankruptcy," he said.
Geelani said despite remaining under foreign occupation and oppression for centuries, Kashmiris "have been able to maintain a high standard of moral values."
" Which is why , having failed to suppress our resistance movement through use of force,   India is now trying to use cultural aggression for the purpose through its pawns in Kashmir," he said.
Geelani said that the National Conference had been at the "forefront of giving practical shape to this strategy."
"  The imprudence with which Farooq Abdullah has called for opening liqour shops in Kashmir is a challenge to the honour of Kashmiris , and if we remain silent at this decisive moment, we will be entitled to the wrath of Allah," he said, adding that "it is our religious and moral duty  to stand up against the sale and consumption of liquor in Kashmir."

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