Kashmir Media Watch (KMW) is an electronic newspaper cum news agency

Friday, February 10, 2012

All Party Norwegian Parliamentary Group on Kashmir Boycotts Kashmir Meeting

Report by Kashmir Media Watch. 
Oslo:  All Part Group on Kashmir in Norwegian Parliament  has boycotted the Kashmir meeting held in the Parliament premises with the support of Deputy Speaker of Norwegian parliament Haque Nawaz Akhtar Chaudhry (Socialist Left Party) and an Norwegian MP.  None other than these two officials from parliament attended the seminar.  Apart from that Pakistani Ambassador based in Norway on one hand attended the seminar  just to bowing the pressure of ’ baradarism’ and on the other hand PPP the ruling party leader Mirza Zulfiqar boycotted it. 

Even Depty Speaker of Norwegian Parliament who was embrassed not to see any member or official belonging to  All Party Norwegian Parliamentary Group on Kashmir changed the tune of his speech by criticising the organisors for not inviting or involving the ‘official group’ on Kashmir in Parliament. It is also reported that two Pakistani origin British parliamentarians also avoided to attend the seminar despite they were approached from their respective ‘baradaris’.

The organisors skipped to involve the All Party Norwegian Parliamentary Group on Kashmir which is actively engaged in monitoring the situation in occupied Kashmir for about a decade. The group was first formed in 2000 and Mr Knut Arild Hareide senior leader of Christen Democratic Party is currently its Chairman.

The Kashmir group in the Norwegian parliament came into existence as a result of the long term efforts of Sardar Ali Shahnawaz Khan, a businessman, diplomat and human rights activist based in Oslo, Norway.  Mr. Khan established the Kashmiri Scandinavian Council in 2000 and being executive director of the council he has for over a decade been working hard to achieve awareness for the Kashmir cause and understanding of the Norwegian authorities and public. His long term efforts through the work of the Kashmiri Scandinavian Council resulted in creation of the Kashmir group in the Norwegian parliament.

Kashmir is misused by many clever businessmen and selfish politicians mostly belonging to the Pakistan and Azad Jammu & Kashmir just to boast up their businesses and political profiles to become the  big tycoons here and political figures back to their own country in future.

Kashmiris suffering inside the Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir at the hand of brutal military and armed forces has nothing to do with the photo sessions and so called seminars aimed to build their careers and businesses.

These activities has never reduced  the human rights violations graph in Kashmir.  Kashmir needs the secret lobbying as India is doing. You cant find any Indian political party flag waving on the streets in front of embassies or else where. They believe to achieve the goal and hence we lose the sacred mission of our martyrs. They do counter secretly the Kashmir lobbying and we do create parties withing parties by creating more and more disunity.

All Party Norwegian Parliamentary Group on Kashmir has recently raised the issue of discovery of unidentified mass graves in Kashmir’ in the parliament and has urged that crimes against humanity that lie behind these findings should be investigated and prosecuted.

Too many cooks can spoil the broth so can many leaders also be a problem.

If the Pakistani and Azad Kashmiri community living abroad are sincere to kashmir cause. Did they tried to raise the issue of Dr Fai’s detention who was charged on politically motivated case at the cost of Pakistan-USA diplomatic clash. Did any group came on streets in London or any European city to show solidaity with a sincere Kashmiri leader?

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