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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Kashmir European Alliance arranged seminar in Norwegian Parliament

Kashmir European Alliance (KEA) Version of seminar in Norwegian Parliament as repoted by Engineer Pervez Mehmood President KEA.

Norway: Kashmir European Alliance arranged seminar in Norwegian Parliament on 9th of Feb 2012. The seminar was attended by a large number of people of different nationalities, Norwegian Politicians, representatives of human rights organizations and NGO’s from all over the Europe and high level diplomats from different embassies in Oslo.
Those who attended the seminar were included ambassador of Pakistan Mr. Ambassador Syed  Ishtiaq Hussain Andrabi, Deputy speaker Norwegian Parliament Mr. Akhtar Choudry, Chairman Kashmir EU Council Mr.Ali Reza Syed, Member Norwegian parliament and foreign committee in Norwegian Parliament Mr. Peter Gittmark, Former member Norwegian parliament Mr. Shabaz Tariq and many other prominent personalities were included in participants.
The speakers who addressed the seminar were Ms. Sanwar Mukhtar Choudry, Ms. Kainat, Mr. Akhtar Choudry Deputy speaker Norwegian parliament, Mr. Peter Gittmark member of Norwegian Parliament from conservative party of Norway, President of Kashmir European Alliance Sardar Pervez Mehmood, and Ambassador of Pakistan Mr. Syed Ishtiaq Hussain Andrabi. Mr. Soaib Zaki vise president of Kashmir European Alliance presided the seminar.
The speakers expressed deep concern over the attitude and passive posture of international community towards the gross human rights violations by Indian occupation forces in Jammu and Kashmir. The speakers further appealed to United Nation and EU to press India to stop human rights violations in Indian Jammu and Kashmir and withdraw its more than eight hundred Indian troops from all the districts of Indian Jammu and Kashmir.

The ambassador of Pakistan Mr. Syed Ishtiaq Hussain Andrabi, Mr. Akhtar Choudry and Chairman Kashmir EU council paid tribute to Kashmir European Alliance and especially to Mr. Mukhtar Ahamed Choudry chief coordinator Kashmir European Alliance for his great efforts to arrange the seminar in Norwegian Parliament which is first of its nature in Norwegian Parliament so far.

A number of MP’s those who were likely to participate could not make it due their parallel parliamentary engagements which were coinciding with the timings of the seminar.

 A number of diplomatic circles, human rights organs, NGO’s and feedback from general public has rendered great appreciation and applauses to the endeavouring efforts of Kashmir European Alliance in making this seminar a great success. 
Kashmir European Alliance believes in united efforts for peace and respect for human rights in Jammu & Kashmir. KEA is a human rights organization and working through an effective coordination with many other similar organizations in Europe.
The principal declaration of Kashmir European Alliance emphasize strongly to  reject and condemn all fake media stunts those are aimed to bring personal fame and advertisement, especially on the cost of human rights violations in Indian Jammu & Kashmir.

Kashmir European Alliance is strictly committed to basic moral values and ethics in order to avoid any kind of personal differences or disputes, prejudices or biased attitudes aimed towards any other organization or person individually or collectively. Kashmir European Alliance do deny strongly and with emphasize that neither any individual nor the very organization itself is aimed to engage in any sort of conflict or differences but only that may concern to any malign propaganda directed to the integrity or any activity of the organization from any individual, entity or media organ.

Principal stand from Kashmir European Alliance emphasize to reject any sort of marketing boost to a political career at the cost of Kashmiris being humiliated, raped and killed in Indian Jammu & Kashmir. We think this is a crime not less heinous than what Indian troops are involved in Indian Jammu & Kashmir. KEA appeals to all political circles working on Kashmir Issue in Europe and America to coordinate their efforts. We been requesting all activists to avoid the misuse of the issue and work for the sacred cause to highlight the human rights violations in Indian Jammu & Kashmir. We hope they will give up their mischievous dynamics and confusing propaganda and pray to God for their great sins they been involved.
Norway is enjoying agreements with India in the fields of science, research and environment. These agreements got strengthened during the past ten years. Kashmir European Alliance is trying its best to influence the opinion in Europe and especially in Norway to bring up a decisive change in Norwegian foreign policy towards India. 

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