Kashmir Media Watch (KMW) is an electronic newspaper cum news agency

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Kashmiri Pundits observe ''Black Day'' in Jammu

Jammu, July 13 (KMW):  The Panun Kashmir movement, led by the President Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo, staged a protest against the alleged appeasement policy of the government towards Muslim fundamentalists, on Tuesday, and observed the day as a ''Black Day'' in Jammu.

July13 is observed as Martyrs day in memory of those who laid down their lives fighting against Dogra rule in Kashmir.

Speakers accused the government of encouraging activities of Muslim fundamentalists, and claimed that this had brought the state to its present situation.

"As far as the Indian government is concerned, till today the government has abided by the appeasement policy and has brought Kashmir to where it is today. Today, the Indian government has almost agreed that yes there is some problem in Kashmir, which should be solved. We feel that their appeasement policy has brought Kashmir to where it is today. Unless the Indian government brings a change in their policy and does not bring in peace and harmony the situation in Kashmir will not improve," said Chrungoo.

The protestors warned the government to mend its policies.

"Till today that appeasement policy is being followed and we want to warn the government that it should not come under the Islamic fundamentalist forces," said A.L Pandita, Member of Panun Kashmir Movement.

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