Kashmir Media Watch (KMW) is an electronic newspaper cum news agency

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Dr. Asrar Ahmed's demise is a great loss for Muslim world

New Delhi: “The demise of the renowned Islamic ideologue & Quranic scholar Dr Asrar Ahmed on 14 April 2010 is a great loss for the Muslim world and particularly for the Muslims of the Sub-continent,” stated a press release issued by Mr Syed Shahabuddin, President of All India Muslim Majlis e Mushawarat (AIMMM).

Dr Asrar Ahmed, an Indian who migrated from Jalandhar to Pakistan during the partition was a physician by profession. However, after studying the Quran in detail, he became one of its greatest exponents and interpreters of in the modern context.

As mentioned in the statement, Dr Asrar wanted to see Pakistan develop into an Islamic Welfare State, at peace with its people & with the world and never collaborated with anti-democratic & military rulers.

It further stated, a few years ago, on his visit to India to deliver lectures he was deeply impressed by the democratic freedoms which the Muslim Indians enjoyed and the resilience with which they preserved their religious & cultural identity. Dr Asrar had then stated that he had travelled throughout the world & had come to believe that the renaissance of Islam shall take place in the sub-continent; it shall rise from the soil of India, not of Pakistan.

The AIMMM pays its humble tributes to his memory, conveys its sincere condolences to his associates of his organization Tanzim-e-Islami, to the people of Pakistan and to the members of his family. The release stated that Dr Asrar Ahmed shall be long remembered for his interpretation of the true spirit of Islam and for his unique style of communication with the educated Muslims.

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