Kashmir Media Watch (KMW) is an electronic newspaper cum news agency

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Draconian Laws ruining life in Kashmir

Draconian Laws ruining life in Kashmir

Draconian laws are termed as great obstacles towards development of democracy and steps of humanity towards civilization. But in the wounded paradise of Kashmir, draconian laws have become part and parcel of the life of masses in this unfortunate land.

Pertinently, one of the most draconian laws applicable in Jammu and Kashmir, Public Safety Act (PSA), which is being liberally used as a suppressive gauge to scuttle any difference of opinion, often also for discriminating against innocent youth, ironically finds its roots in the Defense of India Act (DIA) during the British rule. In fact, the PSA happens to be a more punitive form of the DIA that was described by various National leaders including Mahatma Gandhi as draconian and a black law enacted by Britishers to suppress Indian freedom struggle.

After independence, Defense of India Act changed nomenclature in the year 1967 and is presently known as Public Safety Act, more precisely in Jammu and Kashmir as Jammu and Kashmir Public Safety Act-1978 with provisions and impunity almost similar to the act of British era.

Legal organizations and personalities and international human rights organizations have been persistently demanding review of this act. Besides this another draconian act Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act of 1958 (AFSPA) gives tremendous powers to security forces.

Masses on ground zero are aggrieved by these draconian acts.Gulam Bashir, a commoner said, “It is shame that such draconian acts are used in Kashmir. These should be immediately revoked for a long lasting solution to be achieved”.

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