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Monday, April 12, 2010

J-K Government threatens to sack government employees

Srinagar, Apr 12: The Jammu and Kashmir Government on Monday warned state government employees, who have been protesting against the imposition of the Essential Services Maintenance Act (ESMA), to resume their work immediately or they would be terminated from their services. With the strike entering its tenth day, the government has now threatened to terminate the services of those employees who do not report for duty immediately. Over four lakh employees are on strike to demand arrears of their revised salaries after the recommendations of the Sixth Pay Commission report and enhancement of retirement age from 58 to 60.Minister for Medical and Technical Education R S Chib, however, said the doors were still open for a dialogue with state government employees over the issue."The protestor should call off the strike and come to the negotiating table for which government is ready," he added. Chib said services of adhoc, contractual and need-based employees in hospitals would be terminated if they did not resume work immediately, adding that the para-medical staff have been asked to report within 48 hours to shun suspension. The State Government imposed the ESMA after the government employees continued their strike demanding pay and perquisites at par with the Central Government’s sixth Pay Commission recommendations. (ANI) Srinagar witnessed chaos on Saturday as the police personnel deployed in large numbers foiled the attempt of the protestors to disturb law and order. They used mild baton charge and water cannons to disperse the agitated employees, and detained all the lady government employees taking part in the protests. At least 20 employees were reportedly injured in the clash with the police. Despite a strict warning issued to the government employees from the State Government that they would lose their salary of they did not return to their jobs, they abstained from their esignated work for the tenth consecutive day.

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