Kashmir Media Watch (KMW) is an electronic newspaper cum news agency

Sunday, May 9, 2010

PPP demands speedy trial in Tabinda Ghani, Asrar Dar and Romana Javaid’s Case

Srinagar: May 08, 2010(KMW): Since past few years, Valley of Kashmir, the land of Sufis and saints witnessed first time in the history murders of youth in a typical Crime Style. The most shocking murders were the Romana Javaid’s (Student) murder, student of 11th standard daughter of Dr. Javaid by one Shoab Daryl, Nazir Mahajan’s murder by his own son, Asrar Dar’s (Student) murder by his own friend, Tabinda Ghani’s Brutal rape and murder by Bihari Laborers, Sakina Qadir’s (Student) murder by one Irfan Ahmad Bhat, Shabir Ahmad Sheikh’s murder for just Rs.600. These glaring examples amply prove that Kashmir is slowly become another Bihar and people of Kashmir especially youth are getting influenced by Biharis’ crime culture due to huge population of Biharis in Kashmir Valley.
People’s Political Party (PPP), Chairman, Hilal Ahmad War, called an advisory council meeting and discussed this issue threadbare. A resolution was passed in the meeting whereby PPP Chief, Hilal Ahmad War demanded that the Govt. should order speedy trial in the aforesaid murder cases in order to punish these killers who have committed heinous crimes which Kashmir never witnessed in the past. The conviction of these killers would convey a message to other criminals that there is no room for such crimes in Kashmir.
PPP believes once speedy trial starts and court passes sentence to the Killers of Asrar Dar, Romana Javaid, Tabinda Ghani, Sakina Qadir, Shabir Sheikh, Nazir Mahajan etc, this landmark judgment will regenerate the faith of the common man of Kashmir on the judiciary system who has otherwise lost his faith in the justice system .The common man of Kashmir is emotionally attached with these cases. The common man of Kashmir is expecting a model and harsh punishment to these killers in order to save Kashmir from witnessing any such brutal crimes in future. PPP believes that these cases are not State vs Killers but Kashmiri masses vs Killers. Therefore any delay in this regard could trigger a fresh mass agitation in Kashmir because these cases are being watched and monitored by common man of Kashmir, particularly youth.

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