Kashmir Media Watch (KMW) is an electronic newspaper cum news agency

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Most al-Qaida leaders in Iraq killed: a US general

Washington, June 4 (KMW): The top US commander in Iraq said today that most of the top leaders of al-Qaida's affiliate in Iraq have been captured or killed over the past three months. Gen. Ray Odierno also told a news conference at the Pentagon that he is confident that he can safely reduce US troops levels to 50,000 by the end of August, as promised by President Barack Obama. There are now 88,000 U.S. troops there, the general said. Odierno said he expect al-Qaida in Iraq to remain a problem for years, despite its recent losses.” Over the last 90 days or so we have either picked up or killed 34 of the top 42 al-Qaida in Iraq leaders," he said. Even with those setbacks, the militant organization is trying to reconstitute itself, he said.

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