Kashmir Media Watch (KMW) is an electronic newspaper cum news agency

Saturday, June 26, 2010

PPP Chief writes to Home Ministers of India and Pakistan

Srinagar, June 25 (KMW):  People’s Political Party (PPP) Chairman, Hilal Ahmad War in an open letter to Mr. P. Chidambaram and Mr. Rehman Malik, Home Ministers of India and Pakistan. Mr. War wrote, “Having Regard to the commitment of exercise of right of self-determination for the people of J&K, history has provided one more golden chance to you which you are required to fulfil and en-cash towards your obligations. No amount of repressive policies, use of force, intimidating through Indian military, Para military and other forces can take away this inalienable right of J & K people. Please do not sit over the volcano but avoid any such calamity which endangers entire South-East –Asia as a whole by your negligence. Let better sense prevail upon you and your respective leadership across India and Pakistan to capitalize at this historical juncture for the attainment of Permanent Peace and Tranquillity on this side of globe”.

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