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Wednesday, June 2, 2010


The Tablighi Jamaat was founded by Maulana Muhammad Ilyas Kandhalawi in the Mewat province of India, since 1920. Tablighi Jamaat is one of the most successful movements in the present modern times. A short introduction is presented here. The aim of the article is to give a brief understanding of what this movement originates.
Tablighi Jamaat is strictly a non political movement. The movement has spread to 150 countries and has an active following estimated to be between 70 to 80 million devout followers. The Jamaat does not solicit or receive donations. Rather it is self funded by its members and operates.
Leaders: The first leader, also the founder, was Maulana Muhammad Ilyas Kandhalawi. The second was his son Maulana Muhammad Yusuf Kandhalawi. The third one was Maulana Inaam ul Hasan. Now there is a shura (council) which includes two leaders: Maulana Zubair ul Hasan and Maulana Saad Kandhalawi.
Social Impact: Most hamlets in the Indian subcontinent usually have a mosque called the Markaz, or centre, where weekly meetings occur. Preachers during these meetings urge people to go in Jamaat for as many days as their condition permits. The recommended period (but not necessary) is four months once in a life-time, a periodic planned tour schedule of 40 days in a year and 3 days in a month.
A strong grassroots support for the movement can be found in India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Thailand, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Fiji, Central Asian countries, East Asian countries, North and Central African countries, South American countries and the Gulf countries.
In Kashmir the movement is based in the downtown area of Srinagar called Ranger Masjid. The annual Tablighi congregation is held in Bangladesh, (Baitul Muqaram) the Biswa Ijtema the second largest gathering after Hajj, attracts many devotees from around the world. A large participation in Tabligh efforts are also seen in Europe, North America, South Africa, North Africa and East Asian Muslim countries. The main headquarters for Tablighi Jamaat (known as a Markaz) is in Nizamud-deen, India called Baglawali Masjid.
The Tablighi Jamaat is a professedly non-political movement. Despite this, due to its popular stature, many prominent politicians in Muslim and non-Muslim countries from both the right and the left associate themselves with the Tabligh. Many entrepreneurs in the Muslim world have been Tablighis. Among others, former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was also associated with Tablighi Jamaat. Other than politicians, many celebrities in Pakistan have also associated themselves with the Tablighi Jamaat. Acclaimed musician of Pakistan Junaid Jamshed reverted to Islam through the Jamaat. Members of the Pakistani cricket team, including Saeed Anwar, Mohammad Yousuf (convert-formerly Yousuf Youhana), Inzamam-ul-Haq, Saqlain Mushtaq, Salim Malik, Mushtaq Ahmed & Shahid Afridi frequently attend the Jamaat's lectures & Practice.
Constitution and activities: Each Jamaat has 8 to 20 members with one leader or Ameer who is usually chosen by the members themselves before the actual journey. They stay in Masjids (Mosques) along the way, and preach to the people who attend the Mosque. During the day, members of the Jamaat visit Muslim houses door to door and roam the markets of the town or village they have stayed in and exhort Muslims to lead a pure religious life and invite them to attend a sermon in nearby Mosque after certain prayers. Usually after the sermon, they encourage the attendees to come forward and join them on the spiritual journeys for a number of days they can spare.
Since they encourage other Muslims to join in their spiritual journeys, any Muslim can easily join. There are no strict membership rules to be part of Tablighi Jamaat. In fact there is no 'membership' at all and there is no background check for newcomers. Almost any Muslim can join the group in a mosque.
Aims: Allah says in glorious Quran: You are the best nation produced (as an example) for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah. (3:110)
No new faith will born no other apostle will come because Prophet Muhammad (S) was the last and final Massager of Allah. Thus it is our duty to stop people from bad deeds and order to good deeds.
Ordering right and forbidding wrong is essential to our success in this life and in the hereafter both individually and collectively. Ordering right and forbidding wrong is general obligation for the present Ummah (Muslim nation). Allah says in Quran: Let there be among you a group who call to good, command what is right and what is wrong. These are successful ones. (3:104)
The aim of the movement is to present the world with such a beautiful living image of Islam that all people being attracted to its peaceful and balanced message eventually practice Islam.
The Tablighi Jamaat program is based on six points:
1. Kalima (Witness): Belief in the oneness of Allah. This is expanded to mean that the creation cannot do anything without the will of Allah, but Allah can do everything without the creation. It also has the adjunct of belief that complete success in this world and the hereafter is only achieved in following the way of life shown by the prophet Muhammad (S) and every other way leads to failure in this world and the hereafter.
2. Salah (Nimaz): Five daily prayers which are essential in Islam that makes connection between Allah and us. Perfection in observance of prayers.
3. Knowledge and Remembrance of Allah: In this session every individual contributes his knowledge about Islam, reciting the Quran and reading the Sayings of prophet Muhammad (S), gain the remembrance of Allah by reciting Third Kalima, Sending Blessings to Prophet Muhammad (S) and Isthigfar (repent of sins) each 200 times a day.
4. Respect of Muslims: Good behavior towards Muslims, and Non-Muslims. Sacrificing ones own needs in order to fulfill another's needs. Includes love to youngsters respecting elders & Muslim Scholars.
5. Sake of Allah: Correction and Purity of intention. Means that all good actions should be done for the pleasure of Allah and not for fame or materialistic gain. At the beginning, during and at the end of a good deed, the intention should be checked and corrected.
6. Inviting: Since Prophet Muhammad (S) was the final Massenger of Allah now this is our duty to forward his missions i.e. call towards good and prevent evil. (As mentioned above)
Five recommended tasks of Tablighi Jamaat:
1. Two weekly visits to Muslims homes (one for surrounding local Masjid and other for nearest Masjid)
2. In the local mosque, there is a daily 'Taalim' (which means teaching or learning) and one person reads from a book. 'Taalim' is also done in homes with family members. This teaching is generally done with a few books, but is not limited to Fazail-e-Ammal (virtues of deeds) by Maulana Zakaria Kandhalawi and also the book of selected Ahadith called "Muntakhaba Ahadees" (selected sayings of Prophet Muhammad (s)) and it covers the basic tenets of Islam.
3. At least spend three days a month in Jamaat.
4. A daily council in Masjid to discuss how to increase Tablighi activity in the area.
5. Apart from preaching, followers are also encouraged to spend 2.5 hours every day serving others. Typically this involves encouraging other Muslims to join the effort. These 'hours' are also used to meet sick people and help the needy.
Tablighi Jamaat of Women: There is a Jamaat for women called a Masturaat Jamaat. Unlike the men, the women stay outside the mosque in the house of a well known Tablighi worker following full Islamic rules with pardah (veil) and learn and also teach the women of that locality who may come to join them. Men do not join the Masturaat Jamaat as they are separate and stay in nearby mosque. (END)

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