Kashmir Media Watch (KMW) is an electronic newspaper cum news agency

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

UN must intervene in Kashmir: WKFM

Srinagar, Aug 4(KMW): World Kashmir Freedom Movement (WKFM) - a global Kashmiri advocacy organization - has called on United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon to intervene and take immediate emergency measures "to protect the Kashmiri population." It has also appealed to the UN "to hold the Indian administration accountable for their continued actions", and what it called 'war crimes and crimes against humanity under the Geneva Conventions.'

In a statement issued today, WKFM also urged India to respect members of the medical fraternity, from doctors to ambulance drivers, and desist from their continued violations of the Geneva Conventions confirming medical neutrality.

Speaking on behalf of the Governing Council, WKFM President Dr. Ghulam Nabi Mir expressed his horror at the deteriorating safety and security situation in Kashmir, and called upon the Government of India and J&K government to respect the peaceful and defenseless civilians.

He said that the cycle of violence initiated and perpetuated by the security forces was further inflaming public sentiment, leading to continued loss of innocent life and exacerbating an incendiary atmosphere.

He stated that the Kashmiris had continued with peaceful protests against the staus quo and unending killings.

Dr. Mir urged the government of India to immediately release all political prisoners and leaders from various prisons.

He condemned the arbitrary arrests of innocent civilians, and demanded the release of all those jailed under the Public Safety Act and other laws, including Mian Abdul Qayoom and Ghulam Nabi Shaheen, members of the Kashmir High Court Bar Association.

WKFM has also urged India to dismantle its military installations and withdraw its troops from civilian areas immediately.

"We call upon India to allow freedom of the press, peaceful public gatherings and speech", the statement said.

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